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Framework List
Serial Number Framework Name Developer Primary Use Case Key Features Github Address
1 LangChain LangChain Building LLM-powered applications Chains, Agents, Memory, Prompts GitHub
2 LlamaIndex Community Data Indexing for LLMs Extensible, Data Connectors, Query Language GitHub
3 Haystack deepset.ai Search and Question Answering Flexible Pipelines, End-to-End QA GitHub
4 Transformers Hugging Face Natural Language Processing Pre-trained Models, Wide Model Support GitHub
5 Sentence Transformers UKP Lab Sentence Embeddings Easy Integration, Multi-lingual Models GitHub
6 TensorFlow Google Deep Learning Flexible, Scalable, Large Ecosystem GitHub
7 PyTorch Facebook AI Research Deep Learning Dynamic Computation Graphs, Easy to Use GitHub
8 Keras Francois Chollet Deep Learning User-friendly API, Runs on TensorFlow GitHub
9 scikit-learn Community Machine Learning Simple, Efficient, Built on NumPy GitHub
10 Hugging Face Transformers Hugging Face Natural Language Processing Pre-trained Models, Easy Integration GitHub
11 XGBoost Community Gradient Boosting High Performance, Distributed Computing GitHub
12 LightGBM Microsoft Gradient Boosting Fast, Efficient, Large-scale Data GitHub
13 Apache Spark MLlib Apache Machine Learning Scalable, Distributed Computing Website
14 Fastai Fast.ai Deep Learning High-level API, Built on PyTorch GitHub
15 CatBoost Yandex Gradient Boosting Handles Categorical Data, Fast Training GitHub
16 Caffe Berkeley AI Research Deep Learning Fast, Modular, Open Framework GitHub
17 MXNet Apache Deep Learning Scalable, Flexible, Multiple Languages GitHub
18 JAX Google Numerical Computing Automatic Differentiation, High Performance GitHub
19 Dask-ML Dask Machine Learning Scalable, Parallel Computing GitHub
20 ONNX Linux Foundation AI Model Interoperability Open Format, Cross-platform Compatibility GitHub
21 PaddlePaddle Baidu Deep Learning Flexible, Fast, Easy-to-Use GitHub
22 TFLearn Community Deep Learning Simplified Interface for TensorFlow GitHub
23 Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) Microsoft Deep Learning Highly Efficient, Distributed Training GitHub
24 AllenNLP Allen Institute for AI Natural Language Processing Easy to Use, Flexible, Built on PyTorch GitHub
25 Turi Create Apple Machine Learning User-Friendly, Built for Developers GitHub
26 spaCy Explosion Natural Language Processing Fast, Accurate, Pre-trained Pipelines GitHub
27 PyTorch Lightning PyTorch Lightning Team Deep Learning Scalable, Structured Code, Easy Debugging GitHub
28 H2O.ai H2O.ai Machine Learning Scalable, Open Source, Enterprise-Ready GitHub
29 OpenNN Artelnics Neural Networks High Performance, Data Analysis GitHub
30 Ray UC Berkeley Distributed Computing Scalable, High Performance, Easy to Use GitHub
31 Horovod Uber Distributed Training Multi-GPU, MPI, TensorFlow Integration GitHub
32 DL4J (Deeplearning4j) Eclipse Foundation Deep Learning Java, Scala, Parallel Training GitHub
33 MLflow Databricks ML Lifecycle Tracking, Projects, Models GitHub
34 Theano University of Montreal Deep Learning Symbolic Math, Speed Optimization GitHub
35 Rasa Rasa Technologies Conversational AI Open Source, Customizable, Built on ML GitHub
36 Ludwig (Uber) Uber Machine Learning No-Code, Easy-to-Use, End-to-End GitHub
37 BigDL Intel Deep Learning Distributed, Scalable, Integrated with Spark GitHub
38 PyCaret Community Low-Code Machine Learning Easy to Use, End-to-End, Modular GitHub
39 MindsDB MindsDB Machine Learning AI Tables, Predictive Queries, Easy Integration GitHub
40 Gensim RaRe Technologies Topic Modeling Fast, Efficient, Easy Integration GitHub
41 Optuna Preferred Networks Hyperparameter Optimization Automatic, Scalable, Easy Integration GitHub
42 RAPIDS (NVIDIA) NVIDIA Data Science GPU Acceleration, Scalable GitHub
43 Plotly Dash Plotly Data Visualization Interactive, Web-based, Easy to Use GitHub
44 Orange University of Ljubljana Data Mining Visual Programming, Interactive Data Analysis GitHub
45 WEKA University of Waikato Data Mining GUI, Preprocessing, Classification, Clustering Website
46 DataRobot DataRobot Inc. Automated Machine Learning Automated Modeling, Model Deployment GitHub
47 H2O Wave H2O.ai Data Applications Real-time Applications, Easy to Deploy GitHub
48 Elephas Deeplearning4j Distributed Deep Learning Integration with Keras, Distributed Training GitHub
49 DeepSpeed Microsoft Deep Learning Efficient Training, Large Model Support GitHub
50 Prophet Facebook Time Series Forecasting Easy to Use, Interpretability GitHub
51 ConvNetJS Stanford University Deep Learning JavaScript, Convolutional Neural Networks GitHub
52 Tonic Community Machine Learning Data Preprocessing, Feature Engineering GitHub
53 Flux.jl JuliaLang Deep Learning Julia Language, Flexible and Fast GitHub
54 Hopsworks Verta Data Engineering Feature Store, Data Management GitHub
55 ML.NET Microsoft Machine Learning .NET Integration, Cross-platform GitHub
56 Amazon SageMaker Amazon Machine Learning Fully Managed, Scalable, Integrated Tools GitHub
57 RedisAI Redis AI Model Serving In-Memory, High Performance GitHub
58 Dlib Dlib Machine Learning Toolkit for C++, Facial Recognition GitHub
59 Core ML Apple Machine Learning Model Deployment on Apple Devices Website
60 Metaflow Netflix Data Science Workflow Management, Scalable GitHub
61 KNIME KNIME AG Data Analytics Visual Programming, Integrations GitHub
62 Neuraxle Community Machine Learning Pipelines Pipeline Management, Modular GitHub
63 TPOT Community Automated Machine Learning Genetic Programming, Model Optimization GitHub
64 Gradio Gradio Machine Learning Interfaces Easy Deployment, Interactive Interfaces GitHub
65 Roboflow Roboflow Computer Vision Data Annotation, Model Deployment GitHub
66 Bonzai Bonzai Machine Learning Operations Model Management, Deployment GitHub
67 Sonnet (DeepMind) DeepMind Deep Learning Modular, Built on TensorFlow GitHub
68 Pegasus Google Text Summarization Pre-trained Models, Transformer-Based GitHub
69 AutoGluon Amazon Automated Machine Learning High Performance, Easy to Use GitHub
70 BigML BigML Machine Learning Easy-to-Use, Web-based GitHub
71 MindsDB MindsDB Machine Learning AI Tables, Predictive Queries GitHub
72 SINGA (Apache) Apache Software Foundation Deep Learning Distributed, Multi-GPU Training GitHub
73 Tribuo Oracle Machine Learning Java, Predictive Modeling GitHub
74 Infer.NET Microsoft Probabilistic Programming Flexible, Bayesian Inference GitHub
75 OpenVINO (Intel) Intel Deep Learning Inference Optimized for Intel Hardware, Fast GitHub
76 Cortex Cortex Labs Machine Learning Operations Model Serving, Scalable GitHub
77 Numenta (HTM Studio) Numenta Hierarchical Temporal Memory Temporal Predictions, Pattern Recognition GitHub
78 IBM Watson IBM AI Solutions Wide Range of AI Services, Enterprise Ready GitHub
79 ML5.js ML5 Machine Learning in JavaScript Friendly API, Easy to Integrate GitHub
80 DeepPavlov DeepPavlov Conversational AI Pre-trained Models, Customizable GitHub
81 Bonsai Bonsai Machine Learning Reinforcement Learning, Integration with Azure GitHub
82 Comet.ml Comet Machine Learning Experiment Tracking Experiment Management, Visualization GitHub
83 Plotly Dash Plotly Data Visualization Interactive Web Applications, Python Integration GitHub
84 Snorkel Snorkel Data Labeling Weak Supervision, Efficient Labeling GitHub
85 H2O Driverless AI H2O.ai Automated Machine Learning Automated Feature Engineering, Model Tuning GitHub
86 Grakn.ai Grakn Knowledge Graph Logical Data Modeling, Complex Queries GitHub
87 DeepDetect Credera Machine Learning REST API, Model Deployment GitHub
88 Caffe2 Facebook Deep Learning Modular, Scalable, Performance GitHub
89 Karpathy's RecurrentJS Andrej Karpathy Recurrent Neural Networks JavaScript Implementation, Learning Resources GitHub
90 Neural Designer Neural Designer Deep Learning GUI, High Performance GitHub
91 Chainer Preferred Networks Deep Learning Define-by-Run, Flexibility GitHub
92 MLflow Databricks ML Lifecycle Management Experiment Tracking, Model Registry GitHub
93 DeepLearningKit DeepLearningKit Deep Learning iOS Deployment, Swift Integration GitHub
94 NiftyNet NiftyNet Medical Image Analysis Flexible, Deep Learning for Medical Data GitHub
95 Vowpal Wabbit Microsoft Online Learning High Performance, Large-Scale Learning GitHub
96 Shogun Shogun Machine Learning C++, Python Interfaces, Wide Range of Algorithms GitHub
97 Accord.NET Accord.NET Machine Learning .NET Framework, Wide Range of Algorithms GitHub
98 TFLearn Community Deep Learning Simplified Interface for TensorFlow GitHub
99 MindSpore Huawei Deep Learning Scalable, High Performance GitHub
100 ML.NET Microsoft Machine Learning .NET Integration, Cross-platform GitHub